Blog update: post sharing, email subscriptions and Google ads

I’ve updated the sharing options at the bottom of each post to include Twitter, Facebook and Google+, the primary social services, as well as email and print.

Please also note that since the previous default email subscription service with isn’t part of where the blog is now hosted, I’ve changed email subscriptions back to Google’s FeedBurner service, which also publishes the RSS feed, and is still easy to use and reliable. If you were previously subscribed to the old service, please resubscribe to the new one. Email updates are still basically the same, just whenever a new post is added to the blog.

I’ve also added Google ads as a source of extra revenue to help support the blog (when clicked), but trying to not clutter posts or pages too much at the same time.

Update: There seems to be an issue with the Google+ share button not displaying properly with older versions of the Firefox browser and possibly the Internet Explorer browser. From what I’ve read, this is a fairly common problem, but seems to be ok with the Safari and Google Chrome browsers.